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Welcome to
Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints,

Your one-stop shop for exceptional digital fabric printing solutions!

We empower businesses and designers to bring their creative visions to life with stunning vibrancy and exceptional quality.

Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints

Our Story

Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints was born out of a passion for textiles and a desire to revolutionize the processing and printing industry.

We started with a simple idea: to offer high-quality, on-demand digital printing that caters to projects of all sizes. Today, we've grown into a leading provider, trusted by designers, businesses, and individuals alike for their fabric printing needs.

Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints


Mr. Manjunath Narayan 

A Legacy of Passion: The Story Behind Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints

Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints is a company built on a foundation of passion and dedication to the art of fabric transformation. Our story begins in 1998 with Mr. Manjunath Narayan, a visionary entrepreneur with over 26 years of experience in the textile industry. Fueled by a deep passion for the beauty and artistry of silk sarees, Mr. Narayan embarked on a journey to elevate the processing of these timeless garments.

Over the years, Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints has evolved beyond its silk saree roots. While we continue to cherish this heritage, we have embraced the transformative power of digital printing technology. This expansion allows us to offer a wider range of services, transforming not just silk sarees, but a diverse selection of fabrics with exceptional digital prints.

Our commitment to quality and innovation remains at the core of everything we do. We leverage Mr. Narayan's extensive experience and combine it with cutting-edge technology to deliver vibrant, long-lasting prints that meet the highest standards. Whether you envision a stunning floral design on a flowing dress or a bold geometric pattern for home decor, we have the expertise and passion to bring your vision to life.


Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints Bengaluru CEO

Contact Us

Ready to Explore Reactive & Acid Printing?

Contact Soundarya Digital Fabric Prints today! We'll guide you through every step, from design assistance to printing and delivery.

We're committed to turning your vision into reality on your selected fabric.

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